
石家豪 Wilson Shieh

< 石家豪 Wilson Shieh >
This HongKong Artist is Wilson Shieh who was born in 1979

<PROJECT:  An Alternative Antiquity 2002>

This is The first his solo exhibition in Gongbi style after he finished his graduate study. Looking at Chinese antiques, He tried to raise dialogue between a contemporary man and ancient culture.

<Pottery House in Green Glaze 綠釉陶屋 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk >
This is my favourite piece in this project !

<Purple Clay Teapot 紫砂茶壼 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

<Leaf-shaped Plate in Ge Glaze 哥釉葉形碟 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

<Bowl in Underglaze Blue 青花碗 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

<Double-gourd Shaped Hanging Vase in Fencai 粉彩葫蘆掛瓶 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

<Horse in Sancai (Tri-coloured) Glaze 三彩馬 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

 <Earthenware Ding with Red Paint 彩陶鼎 2002 Ink and watercolour on silk>

These are all in the ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM OF ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY  university of oxford.
you can see in detail of his work !

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